10 Speaking activities for Online lessons.

 Let’s discuss the 10 speaking activities for online lessons today. If you are an English teacher, you would probably know what a real struggle it is to teach English online, especially when dealing with teenagers, shy adults, or children.

So, here we bring you the compilation of the ten most engaging activities for the students that give you less time for preparation and engage your students in the online speaking class in an enticing and fun way. 

Let’s discuss the 10 Speaking activities for Online lessons.

10 speaking activities for online lessons

10 Speaking Activities for Online Lessons

The Secret door (10 Speaking Activities for Online Lessons)

The first one is the Secret door. It is available for free on the Internet. In this activity, you have to put the development off and open the door with the student. So, basically, as you click on the door, it leads to a rotatable picture of some random place around the world, which the student has to describe. This helps drastically in improving the vocabulary. This is one of the most fun on the list of 10 speaking activities for online lessons.

Guess the object (10 Speaking Activities for Online Lessons)

This activity is pretty interesting because it requires no effort and preparation. All you have to do is share a blank whiteboard with a student, bring up an object from your house, anything, e.g. a glass. The students can ask open-ended questions, such as its price, color, etc. In this way, the pupils can practice asking questions through these speaking activities for Online lessons.

Picture dictation (10 Speaking Activities for Online Lessons)

 This activity is totally free and is one engaging activity for students. In this exercise, the students are required to randomly pick an image from the Internet, and then they dictate the teacher to draw things so that the teacher makes up the image they picked up. For example, the students might dictate how to draw a circle, and the teacher can then ask whether it is going to be big or small, so in this, extensive vocabulary is used, and a lot of new words are added in the memory with this exciting game.

Random questions (10 Speaking Activities for Online Lessons)

This is also one of the free-speaking activities for Online lessons for which you need access to the white slide only. You can search on the Internet about a website called theconversionstarters.com, where random questions are generated. This is an exciting yet engaging activity as the students use extensive words to talk about themselves. They tell their life stories using a wide range of words and are eager to tell that. It gives the pupils a chance to talk in-depth and answer relevantly in a quick way. It gives out questions such as what was the worst job you ever had? Now there is a lot of material that you can put into practice as you answer this question. 

What happened here

 In this activity, you can simply search over the things on the Internet, such as funny and interesting things but be careful that you should filter out what the result is showing and choose pictures that are strange yet engaging. You can copy the picture and shit over the screen and add questions such as who? Where? And When? The students need to answer it creatively, and they would take time to think about it. The students might make a story out of it, and you can create notes on the side. You can discuss it with the student, and as the story gets completed, you can appreciate them. This makes it not only creative but also pretty interesting for the students.

RiddlesOptical illusion 

In this activity, you simply need to search on YouTube for interesting riddles or optical illusions. It would be best if you were sure that they are not that difficult and match the level of the students. You would really engage the pupils in the riddles as they are eager to answer them. Not only this, the vocabulary and the question make them understand the words and think about their meanings. This makes a lot of words get captured into their memory, and they can properly answer them. The optical illusions work in the same way. The students look with detail into the pictures, and the question asked to understand it promptly and then try to answer. It is an interesting game that will subconsciously make the students aware of many new words.

BC Wordshake (10 Speaking Activities for Online Lessons)

This is also a really interesting game to make students’ pronunciation correct and add new words to the vocabulary. So you can click on the website word shake, where many random alphabets are present, and the pupils have to bring up words out of it. They will tell you the word they can think of using the random letter, and then you can select and add which will increase the points in the game. This is necessary so that the students make the right pronunciation and get to know the spelling. Once you are done with the game as the timer and up, you can cross-check the answers with the other answers of the same random letters and get to know other words you could have added. This will drastically increase the student’s vocabulary and correct their pronunciation.


In this speaking activity for Online lessons, you can choose traditions from the ethnicity or religion to which the students belong to. You can save a picture and share it on the screen and ask students random questions related to it, such as why people are wearing such clothes. If there is a ship, then why is the ship there? You might know the answers but let the students tell it. The students would know the pronunciation of it and the reason also. They would be eager to tell you. In this way, spoken English would be more engaging and fun.

Creating fake news

It is one fine activity in online lessons. It is a quick and fun activity when you have less time. You can click on the website to create fake news and create your made-up news where you can write your headings and subheadings, add a picture yourself and create a piece of fake interesting news. This makes the pupils creative, and they try to think differently. They try to make the heading catchy and persuasive and learn new skills in the English language. 

Complete the story (10 Speaking Activities for Online Lessons)

 In this activity, you can give the students the start of a story, and they have to complete it by themselves. You can ask them a few questions they would have to answer in the story. In this way, the students try to be creative and use their brains to utilize extensive vocabulary and write down really interesting stories. You can visit it here. Now you have 10 speaking activities for online lessons.

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10 Speaking activities for Online lessons (Easy to prepare)

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