Welcome to ESL Wild

I am constantly collecting all of the online teaching jobs and listing them together to make it easy for you to apply. All of the companies will be linked or have the email listed where you can navigate your way directly to the company.

I have the best places to get your TEFL certificate. You can go the expensive route where job placement is provided or the cheaper option that’s still globally recognized.

You can also read wild travel stories from English teachers going wild all over the globe. Each country, every city brings a new experience with a story that leaves a memory stained in your soul like the ink that remains on your passport page.

If you want to submit a travel story, please subscribe and write me personally or add my Instagram and drop me a message. I would love to hear the wild adventures from all my fellow teachers and travelers!

Cheers! 🙂


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7 thoughts on “Welcome

    1. In all of the articles, you can click on each companies page and apply directly to the company! 🙂

  1. Im a native english speaker.I have a Tesol 120 hrs certificate.Reside in The Netherlands.I want to teach online english to adults and children.

  2. I am a fluent English speaker from South Africa. I have 4 years of teaching experience. I am TEFL Certified and I’m currently looking for a online teaching job for children 6 to 10 years old.

  3. Hi

    I have a national teaching diploma, higher teaching certificate, 120hour Tefl certificate and a 300_hour Tefl diploma. Seeking employment

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